Exchange 2019 built-in antispam features are difficult to manage, configure and monitor.
Hexamail Guard adds better reporting, logging and control of all Antispam filtering for Exchange 2019.
In addition it adds extra layers of spam blocking functionality including:
Hexamail also offers unparalleled spam quarantine management
This guide will help you install and setup Hexamail Guard as your Antispam gateway for Exchange 2019.
You will need:
You will need:
Next you need to download the required software and copy it to your chosen computer.
Now you can begin configuring Hexamail POP3 Downloader. After some initial steps you can use the Windows admin to configure the rest of the settings
You can configure using a remote Windows administration GUI, using the Web Administration or by editing the configuration file directly.
The configuration settings are the same as in the Windows Administration and you can use the same help file to read about the various options in the Administration sections here: Hexamail POP3 Downloader Help
In the WebAdmin press the help button on the page you are using to see help relating to that specific page of settings.
Alternatively you can configure Hexamail settings directly in the configuration file as per the instructions in the Configuration section here: Hexamail POP3 Downloader Help
Once installed and initially configured, Hexamail is very easy to manage with clearly laid out settings, log files and email statistics/reporting. Just click on any section to open that section of the included administration app and click on a page to edit the settings for a given part of a module.
Hexamail also provide a mailserver with built in antispam capabilities Hexamail Server.