Hexamail POP3 Downloader Administration Guide - Collection - System Accounts

System Accounts

The POP3 Reader module downloads email from a list of configured email accounts and allows them to be rerouted to your desired email address, for example an internal email box in Exchange or other email server. Because the email from the POP3 reader are treated as incoming email all the normal processing, for example SPAM blocking, virus checking etc.etc. can take place on the email before they are delivered into a mailbox within your organization.

System Accounts

   External Accounts

This is the list of accounts configured for download Double clicking an account opens the account editor. Right click one or more selected accounts to choose to disable or delete the accounts.
 - An enabled (active) account
(Underneath control)
Add a new account
Edit the selected account
Copy the selected account(s)
Delete the selected account(s)
(Right click selected items)

   Default Settings
