Hexamail POP3 Downloader Administration Guide - Antivirus - General




General antivirus settings
this sets what you wish to do with email containing forbidden attachment types
Example interface
Mark Infected prefix
this sets the subject prefix you wish to use to mark infected email
Example interface
Potential Virus:
Potential Virus:

   Attachment Blocking

The antivirus module can block or mark ALL email containing specified attachment types, regardless of whether they are infected
Action if found
Defines what to do when attachments matching those configured are found
Example interface
Off, Mark, Detach, Block
With extensions
Wild cards for identifying attachments you wish to ALWAYS block or mark (regardless of infection)
Example interface
Invalid Extension Chars
Attachments with names containing these characters will be blocked
Example interface
Missing extensions
Defines what to do when attachments are missing a file extension
Example interface
Off, Mark, Detach, Block
Advice to user
Enter the attachment advice message you would like to use. This is the message inserted if attachments are detached from an email because the type of attachment is blocked.
Example interface
The attachment '<attachname>' was removed because attachments of that type have been blocked by the administrator