Configure the memory usage and disk usage limit alerts here
Alert if freespace less than
The minimum allowed free space on the device in megabytes.
If there is less than this amount of free space left the free space will be written to the log and an email alert sent to the administrator
0 - 999000 mbytes
256 mbytes
The minimum allowed percentage free space on the device.
If there is less than this percentage free space left the free space will be written to the log and an email alert sent to the administrator
0 - 100 % disk space
1 % disk space
Administrator Addresses
Email Addresses
Enter all the addresses to which you wish to receive alerts and notifications from Hexamail POP3 Downloader. The first email address in the list is also
used as the sender address for notifications and alerts to users. Press the Add or + button to add addresses, the Remove or - button to remove addresses and the Browse or ... button to browse for addresses
(Windows Exchange/SBS only)