Configure the directories for the application to use for queues and stores.
Receiving Mail
The directory used to store mails as they are received by the application
Incoming Mail
The directory used to store mails once they have been received by the application
Processing Mail
The directory used to maintain mails as they are processed
Queued Mail
The directory used to store email waiting to be sent by the application
Outgoing Mail
The directory used for email being sent by the application
Retry Mail
The directory used for email that could not be sent, or are erroneous in some way
Store Errors
All email that could not be sent can be stored in the configured directory.
Error Mail
The directory used for email that could not be sent, or are erroneous in some way
Store Sent
All email sent can be stored in the configured directory.
Sent Mail
The directory used to store a copy of email that were sent by the application
Junk Mail
The directory used to store email that are designated as SPAM or junk email by the SPAM Blocker module
Infected Mail
The directory used to store email that are infected by virus, worms or other malicious scripts
Secure Mail
The directory used to store email that are stored by the secure email module
Blocked Mail
The directory used for email that are blocked by the Blocker module
Censored Mail
The directory used for email that are blocked by the Censor module
Storage Usage
Configure the memory usage and disk usage limit alerts here
Memory cache size
This sets the maximum amount of memory used to cache email in the quarantine, sent and error stores.
NOTE if you change this setting you will need to press APPLY and then stop and start the service.
1 - 1024 mbytes
132 mbytes
Alert if freespace less than
The minimum allowed free space on the device in megabytes.
If there is less than this amount of free space left the free space will be written to the log and an email alert sent to the administrator
0 - 999000 mbytes
256 mbytes
The minimum allowed percentage free space on the device.
If there is less than this percentage free space left the free space will be written to the log and an email alert sent to the administrator