POP3 Account Importing

POP3 Account Importing

There are situations where you are collecting email from large numbers or POP3 or IMAP server accounts, and wish to import the settings into the Hexamail configuration automatically. This guide explains the best way to achieve that.

Lets work through an example.

POP3 Account Import Example

If you have a CSV file or can generate a CSV file of POP3/IMAP account information you can simply and quickly import into Hexamail.

Follow these steps

  • 1) STOP the Hexamail service
  • 2) EXIT the Hexamail administration interface by right-clicking the system tray and doing EXIT
  • 3) DELETE the file $port;.cfg (the Hexamail admin cached cfg file)
  • 4) Open a Command prompt as Administrator
  • 5) Navigate to c:\program files\Hexamail POP3 Downloader\
  • 6) Run the command line below.
  • 7) Launch the Hexamail admin buy double clicking on it.

POP3 Import command line

The following command line imports POP3/IMAP accounts into Hexamail config:

hexamailpop3downloader.exe -pop3readerimport -path c:\temp\yourcsvfile.csv [-start 0 -headers X,Y,Z]

-path FILEfull path to the CSV file you wish to import
-start Nnumber oft he first account to import. This lets you preserve existing accounts, e.g you can start importing from account 4 onwards
-headers X,Y,Zif your csv file has no header row specifying the order of the settings, you can provide a custom list of headers here to instruct Hexamail which order the settings appear in the csv file

The following headers/columns/settings can be used during import:

With the following meanings:
AccountUnique identifier or email address for this account
ActionWhat action to perform on the email once downloaded: select from Keep, Expire, Delete
ServerThe full server name you wish to connect to, e.g. mail.hexamail.com
PortThe port you wish to connect to. For POP3 it is usually 110 (995 SSL) for IMAP it is 143 (993 SSL)
ProtThe protocol to use for the downloading, choose from POP3, IMAP
UserThe username/login for the account
PassThe password for the account
EnableWhether this account is enabled. Use Yes/No/True/False/On/Off
DaysThe number of days to keep email on the server before expiring it if Expire is the action parameter
TypeThe type of account choose from: catchall, individual
outfolderIf you wish to export downloaded email, specify the folder here
RerouteThe rerouting address for the account. For individual use a local email address on the server you wish to send to, something like user1@domain.local
For catchall use an address mapping like *@domain.local to map user1@myisp.com to user1@domain.local etc
FolderIMAP folders to download. Use * for all folders, or e.g. INBOX to just collect the inbox of each account
ScheduleThe interval/schedule in minutes, e.g. 15 to collect every 15 minutes.